On May 31, 2024, the decision of the Town of Fitzwilliam to deny a variance for a drive-up window for a new Dunkin restaurant was AFFIRMED. Click here to read the NH Court’s decision.
Towns in New Hampshire, such as Barrington, Berlin, Center Harbor, Conway, Derry, Exeter, Fitzwilliam, Goffstown, Hampton, Hanover, Keene, Londonderry, Meredith, Mont Vernon, Newmarket, Newton, Portsmouth, Rochester, Sugar Hill, and Weare, have zoning rules restricting or prohibiting new drive-up window service.
The Walpole Selectboard kindly shared the January 2, 2025 letter it received from Jeremy Hockensmith, Esq. regarding the legality and application of the petitioned warrant article to limit window service. Here is a summary of his letter.